Get Buckets wants you to have a great playing experience! We know at times there will be issues that need support and bugs we will need to fix.
When you encounter something that is causing a problem please let us know by sending us a message to one of the following categories:
o This could be issues dealing with a new device, recovering your username, email or password, or a question about changing your account information.
o Anytime the app closes on your or quits unexpectedly we want to know about it. Let us know when the crash happened and what part of the app you were using at the time of the crash/quit.
o If you have any issues with downloading new versions of the app, longer than normal downloads or spinning symbols, or anything that is not moving like it should, let us know.
Game play Issues –
o This could be issues with recording video, scoring, rankings, protested games, advertisements, migration, or other issues dealing with actually playing a game or contest. We also want to know if someone has posted something inappropriate so we can address it as soon as possible.